Registration – Responsible Supplier

To sell in-scope electrical equipment, Responsible Suppliers must be registered on the EESS Registration Database.

When registering on the EESS Registration Database, an Authorised Officer of the Responsible Supplier must:

  • Enter correct Responsible Supplier contact details (i.e.: trading name, detailed physical address in Australia or New Zealand, Authorised Officer name, email address, telephone, etc.);
  • Make a declaration (Responsible Suppliers Declaration) that all equipment they are supplying meets relevant standards and is electrically safe;
  • Comply with the Equipment Safety Rules under the EESS and the relevant electrical safety laws.
  • Register all in-scope equipment risk Level 2 or/and Level 3 intended to be sold in Australia and. (Registration of Level 1 equipment is voluntary).
  • Maintain appropriate documentary evidence that demonstrate the In-scope equipment is electrically safe and meets the requirements corresponding to each risk level, this evidence must be made available to regulators upon request.
  • Pay the required registration fee. For the current fee schedule click here.
  • Registration is renewed annually.

Note 1: The Responsible Supplier must be a legally identifiable Australian or New Zealand entity holding an Australian Business Number (ABN), or a New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number.

Note 2: In the process of registering as a Responsible Supplier, the person responding to prompts or filling in the fields is taken to have given the information or made the declaration, and is the Authorised Officer.

Note 3: Once the Responsible Supplier has made a declaration, they can also make the equipment registrations and declarations. Alternatively they may wish to have other people conduct the equipment registrations and declarations on their behalf. To do this they would set up an Authorised Representative to act for them.

The EESS Registration Database will generate a unique searchable identifier number (Registered Responsible Supplier – Username) with the following format: first digit the letter “E” followed by a 4 digit number (e.g.: E1234), this number is used by the Responsible Supplier to login to the EESS Registration Database and administer account and equipment registrations.

Penalties may apply if it is found that Responsible Supplier details on the EESS Registration Database are not current, or have supplied false or misleading information. Penalties may include cancellation of the Responsible Supplier registration, thereby preventing a Responsible Supplier from continuing to sell In-scope electrical equipment.

Penalties also apply if the Responsible Supplier is found to be supplying Level 2 or Level 3 electrical equipment that is not registered on the EESS Registration Database.