SCO News

This page will provide any updates relating to the Standing Committee of Officials (SCO) including any progression of the EESS as well as communiqués released following SCO meetings.

Following each meeting, the SCO will upload a communiqué highlighting key issues discussed during each meeting.

Under the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA), the Ministerial Oversight Committee (MOC) is the national policy and governance body for the EESS. The MOC has oversight for the legislative framework, funding arrangements and all aspects of the EESS.

The Standing Committee of Officials (SCO), established by the MOC in the IGA is a collaborative governance forum responsible for managing and coordinating the day-to-day administration and operation of the EESS.

The IGA states that the SCO is comprised of officials from each of the participating jurisdictions. The current participating jurisdictions: Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.

New Zealand formally recognises the EESS as a means of meeting New Zealand requirements and is actively participating in SCO discussions.

The SCO has invited all jurisdictions throughout Australia and New Zealand to attend SCO meetings to participate and assist in the harmonisation of electrical equipment safety requirements and determination of on-going EESS activities.

SCO Meeting 2 Communiqué – 30-09-2019

SCO Meeting 3 Communiqué – 11-12-2019 

SCO Meeting 4 Communiqué – 11-02-2020

SCO Meeting 5 Communiqué – 24-03-2020

SCO Meeting 6 Communiqué – 26-05-2020

SCO Meeting 7 Communiqué – 28-07-2020

SCO Meeting 8 Communiqué – 22-09-2020

SCO Meeting 9 Communiqué – 01-12-2020

SCO Meeting 10 Communiqué – 02-03-2021

SCO Meeting 11 Communiqué – 15-06-2021

SCO Meeting 12 Communiqué -25-08-2021 & 21-09-2021

SCO Meeting 13 Communiqué – 30-11-2021

SCO Meeting 14 Communiqué – 08-03-2022

SCO Meeting 15 Communiqué – 21-06-2022

SCO Meeting 16 Communiqué – 16-08-2022

SCO Meeting 17 Communiqué – 21-11-2022

SCO Meeting 18 Communiqué – 29-03-2023

SCO Meeting 19 Communiqué – 26-05-2023

SCO Meeting 20 Communiqué – 10-08-2023

SCO Meeting 21 Communiqué – 16-11-2023

SCO Meeting 22 Communiqué – 13-03-2024

SCO Meeting 23 Communiqué – 21-05-2024

SCO Meeting 24 Communiqué – 21-08-2024

SCO Meeting 25 Communiqué – 14-11-2024

The progression of the EESS has resulted in an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) being developed for signing by participating jurisdictions.

The IGA provides the governance oversight of the EESS by the relevant Ministers responsible for electrical equipment safety in each jurisdiction. As each Minister signs the IGA they become part of the Ministerial Oversight committee (MOC) and appoint a representative on the Standing Committee of Officials (SCO) to ensure the further development and day to day operation of the EESS has appropriate government oversight.

With the signing of the IGA by Queensland, Western Australian, Victorian and Tasmanian Ministers, the EESS moved from oversight by ERAC to oversight by the MOC and SCO. As Ministers from more jurisdictions sign the IGA they too become part of the governance oversight of the EESS.

While the registration and certification databases can still be accessed on the ERAC website, all up-to-date information relating to the EESS can now be found on the EESS website.