
A: This can be due to your browser attempting to access an outdated link. Please clear your history and cookies of your browser, and do not use a link of the website stored in your favourites.

If this error continues, please ensure compatibility is turned on for the EESS website.

In-scope Electrical Equipment

A: To determine whether your electrical equipment is In-scope, see the EESS website (www.eess.gov.au), see section “In-scope” which has recently been developed with improved information on this topic. You may also wish to consider engaging a specialist consultant or speak to a RECS.

A: All electrical equipment being sold must be electrically safe. This generally means you need to demonstrate your equipment meets the relevant Australian Standard. For more detail on electrical equipment which is not In-scope, see section “In-scope” in the EESS website for more detail (www.eess.gov.au)

Registration of a Responsible Supplier and Authorised Representative

A: Please refer to the Managing your EESS Platform password in the Learning Guides

A: There are a number of possible reasons:

You may be attempting to register as a new Responsible Supplier, and someone else in your organisation may have already registered.

If someone has accidentally, or purposely misused your ABN, search for responsible suppliers in the the Public Search by entering the ABN to check who has used the number. If someone else has used your ABN, contact the EESS admin team.

NOTE: If your company name has changed, please contact the EESS admin team. Details can be found under the ‘Contact Us’ tab.

A: The EESS website provides information on Responsible Supplier registration and see the Learning Guide for Setting up your business on the EESS Platform as a New Responsible Supplier.

A: The Electrical Equipment Safety System will only apply to what is classified as In-scope electrical equipment.

Where a general member of the public can purchase the electrical equipment and use it in a domestic environment (including equipment that is part of a domestic installation), then it would be classified as In-scope electrical equipment.

Whether electrical equipment is In-scope or not, the equipment is still required to be electrically safe.

Note: Commercial equipment may require registration by the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) which is unrelated to electrical safety requirements. For more information on ACMA’s requirements, it is recommended you contact the ACMA: www.acma.gov.au to confirm what, if any, requirements ACMA have for your equipment. For more information, see not In-scope.

A: A Responsible Supplier is a person situated in Australia or New Zealand who, for the purpose of sale, is either an on-shore manufacture OR imports In-scope electrical equipment from overseas.

An Authorised Officer is a Director or senior officer of a Registered Responsible Supplier who has delegated responsibility from management for electrical safety and/or regulatory compliance and to make the initial Declaration required by the EESS. NOTE: The Authorised Officer should does not need be registered as an Authorised Representative for the same Responsible Supplier. An Authorised Representative is not mandatory/required.

An Authorised Representative is a person that has written permission to act for, or on behalf of, the Registered Responsible Supplier to register In-scope equipment (level 1 to 3). NOTE: The Authorised Representative may be a facilitator/consultant or a Certifier, or even an employee within the Responsible Supplier company.

A Certificate Holder is any person who obtains a Certificate from a Certifier.
NOTE: A Certificate Holder may be located in an economy other than Australia and New Zealand.
In this section—a person means, a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)

A: The current fee to become, or renew a Registered Responsible Supplier (RRS), and the fees for registering In-scope level 2 and 3 equipment can be located under registration fees.

Equipment Registration

A: The current fees to register a new / or renew an existing level 2 and 3 equipment registration can be located under registration fees.

In-scope electrical equipment classified as In-scope level 1 is free to register/list on the EESS Platform.

A: If it’s a NSW Fair Trading issued certificate, please contact EAS@oir.qld.gov.au. For any other certificate, please contact the issuing certifier directly for password assistance.

Please note that the certificate holder has the ability to lock their certificates. It is an expectation the responsible supplier will have a working relationship with the certificate holder.

A: You can modify an existing equipment registration in the EESS Platform, see the Learning Guide for Equipment Registration.

Note: where a certificate exists, eg a Level 3 certificate of conformity, the new models must be added to the certificate by the issuing certifier, prior to trying to add to the registration.

A: Please ensure it is on the certificate of conformity or suitability. If not, please contact the certificate holder or the issuing certifier to have it modified to be included. If it is on the certificate, please check the National Certification Database to ensure it has been uploaded.

If it is on the certificate and on the Public Search, please contact the EESS admin team. Details can be found under the ‘Contact Us’ tab.

A: If you supply equipment only within NSW, you do not require to register with the EESS.

At this point in time, New South Wales has not decided either way if they will adopt the EESS. However, the EESS has been enacted in Queensland, is the adopted method in Tasmania, and applied in Western Australia. EESS legislation was passed by the Victorian Parliament on 7 September 2018, with the provisions relating to the sale of electrical equipment in Victoria coming into effect on 1 April 2019. So to sell equipment nationally, you need to comply with the EESS.

Note: NSW do not automatically upload certificates to the EESS certification database. If the NSW certificate for particular equipment is listed on the EESS certification database, it can be used by the Responsible Supplier to register the In-scope level 3 equipment. If the NSW certificate details are not listed on the EESS certificate database, you can request it be uploaded by contacting the Queensland Electrical Safety Office via email, eas@oir.qld.gov.au. Some additional information will need to be supplied to enable the certificate detail to be added to the national certification database.

Safety Requirements - Certification

A: You should first search the Public Search. If the certificate is not there, please contact the issuing certifier in the first instance.


A: Compliance Folders are only mandatory for In-scope level 2 equipment. However, they are recommended for In-scope level 1 and 3 also. See the EESS website for more detail (www.eess.gov.au)

RCM and Markings of Compliance

A: Once you are registered as a Responsible Supplier, you are authorised to mark your In-scope level 1 equipment with the RCM. You must register any in-scope risk level 2 or 3 equipment before you can mark that equipment with the RCM. Equipment is registered in families, which generally is the same as those models captured on one certificate. That is, each family of product is one registration and one fee. However, each model number must be listed on the registration. See the EESS website for more detail (www.eess.gov.au).

A: For information relating to the marking/labelling of an electrical product, see marking requirements.